Forms & Resources For Ministry Units

Support in Responding to Abuse

Resources for Clergy, Chaplains, Ministry Unit staff, Diocesan staff, and Standing Committee:

Note: Click the ‘Responding to Disclosed Abuse’ diagram below for the pdf file (with clickable links):

At a Glance Responding to Disclosed Abuse v2 diagram.
At a Glance Responding to Disclosed Abuse v2 diagram.

Suggested Prayers

A) Suggested Prayers for Use in Sunday Intercessions

A Prayer for Those Suffering Abuse

Almighty God and Everlasting God,
You are the author of all mercies, and the God of all comfort.
We pray this week for those who have been abused within our churches and faith-based organisations across our nation.

Have compassion upon all who have suffered the injustice,
humiliation and pain of abuse – sexual, physical, emotional, spiritual and all other forms of sinful conduct.

In the midst of their distress, give them courage to speak.
May your perfect love drive out fear and anxiety.
In your mercy, create opportunities for these men, women and children to share their pain,
reveal their struggles and expose the hurtful actions of others.

Give grace, sensitivity and wisdom to all who will minister to the victims and survivors of abuse.
Strengthen those who have been abused and their carers with the certainty of your love for them.
In all things, we ask that your name be glorified and that
we – your people – do justice, love kindness and walk humbly before you.

We humbly plead these things in the name of our Saviour, Jesus Christ, the King of compassion,


A Prayer for Survivors and Those who Abuse

God our redeemer and sustainer, we pray for the survivors of violence, abuse and neglect.
Be with them in confusion and pain.
Give your power to the powerless, your fullness to the empty of spirit.

Heal their wounds, free them from fear and restore them to true health.
Strengthen them to face the future with faith in you.
We ask this through Jesus your Son, who was himself a survivor of abuse and yet
in his resurrection, triumphed over the oppression.

Likewise, God of justice, judge of all the earth,
we bring before you those who abuse and mistreat others.
Turn the hearts of the exploiters from the way of evil.
Open their eyes to the truth of their conduct and
fill them with hatred for the damage they do.
And so by your Holy Spirit bring them to true repentance and amendment of their lives.

And now, may your Spirit draw us together, both in our church, and in the community.
May we face our mistakes with complete honesty.
But preserve us from unhelpful speculation and gossip.
Help us reach out, care for the hurting, and support each other.
Strengthen us with the gospel of your grace, for Jesus’ Christ’s sake.


B) Suggested Prayers for the Royal Commission of Inquiry Report into Abuse in Care Release

Creator, Ruler and Redeemer of this world,

Your Church is on its knees—how could it have come to this?

Our mission in this world is to tell others about you, baptise and make disciples for you—living out our earthly lives in faith, hope and love, humility, justice and compassion—just as Jesus did. But we have failed.

Today your Church faces the consequences of actions unworthy of Your Name as outlined in Whanaketia, the report from the Royal Commission on abuse in care. The report tells us we have failed to protect, failed to believe, failed to make it right, and failed Your Holy Name.

We can only cling to your merciful, patient and faithful nature and ask that as we consider the report, learn from our mistakes, and make changes to how we do things, that You will guide us. Help us to understand; grant us wisdom and insight. Lead us firmly down a path of acknowledgement, reconciliation and healing, as befits your Holy Church.

Help us to be mindful of others as we each grapple with the report’s content, the families and people harmed, and our part in it.

Holy God, as we sit in this most uncomfortable space, help us to see the report through Your eyes, align our hearts to Your heart, and humbly take steps to walk closer to You this day forward.

Grant us strength for this task.

In Jesus Name


Lord, as we digest the Royal Commission Report into Abuse in Care,
we are confused, angry, and deeply saddened.

In our distress, hear our cry.

In our confusion, grant us understanding.

In our anger, grant us action.

In our sadness, grant us compassion.

In humility but confident in your faithfulness we cry to you for mercy.

Kyrie Eleison

Christe Eleison

Kyrie Eleison



I Am, Author of all Truth, and Bearer of all Iniquities

Pour out Your Truth on the Your Church here in the Diocese of Christchurch and beyond.

Reign down Your Justice and Righteousness like a mighty stream in flood.

May we feel Your pain for those we have ignored, marginalised, and dismissed.

But trusting in Your great Compassion and unfailing Love,
rescue us, and set us back on the path of Righteousness.

Show us the way so we will not turn from it.

For Your Name’s Sake
