Where can I find meaning in life?
Life’s meaning is found through a relationship with God, through Jesus Christ. Human purpose is grounded in loving God and others, living out our faith through service, and seeking and following God’s will. Life’s ultimate meaning is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.
How do I become aware of God?
We become aware of God by God’s initiative in our hearts and minds: by reflecting on God’s Word, experiencing the wonder and mystery of creation, and through intentional practices like prayer, silence and listening to God.
Where do we learn about God?
We learn about God through the Bible, which reveals the character, actions, and will of God. We particularly learn about God by reading about Jesus in the four gospels – Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The Holy Spirit also helps us come to know God. Engaging with nature, prayer, and fellowship with other Christians helps to deepen our understanding of God.
Who is Jesus and why did He come?
Jesus is the Son of God and the Savior of humanity. He was born between 6 and 4 BCE in Bethlehem at a time when Judea was ruled by the Romans. Jesus began his public ministry at the age of about 30, taught his followers to love and obey God and announced that the new reign of God was breaking into human affairs. He came to reveal God’s love, teach about the Kingdom of God, and offer salvation through his life, death, and resurrection.
What does it mean to be a Christian?
A Christian is someone who believes that Jesus was a real person in history and who was and is the son of God. A Christian follows Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour and believes that through his death and resurrection they are forgiven and have eternal life. It involves living according to Jesus’ teachings, loving others, and seeking to grow in faith through prayer, Bible study, and worship. Christians belong to the church which is the community Jesus founded and where people learn together how to live the life that Jesus lived.
What is faith?
Faith is the act of trusting in God to save and help us. It involves believing in Jesus Christ as the Son of God and Savior and trusting in his death and resurrection for forgiveness and eternal life. It involves accepting God’s grace, living according to Jesus’ teachings, and following his example of love, compassion, and service. Faith is personal and subjective although it is based on evidence – evidence that Jesus was real and rose from the dead.
What is Christianity?
Christianity is the movement that began with Jesus and was carried to every part of the Roman Empire in the first few centuries CE by his followers. It continues to grow and has been adopted by people from almost every culture and language in the world. Christianity is a monotheistic religion, but it is not only a religion. It is the family of all those who are connected to God because they believe and follow Jesus Christ.
What is the Bible?
The Bible is a collection of 66 books written by a large number of authors over many centuries. In spite of this it has a unified theme – that God loves humankind and wants to be in relationship with children, women and men. Christians view the Bible as reliable, authoritative, and true. It contains the overarching story of creation, the fall, the call and vocation of Israel, biographies of Jesus, an account of the early church and the consummation of human history.
What is Christianity?
Christians believe that there is life after death and that we have nothing to be afraid of and everything to live for. Heaven is a place of eternal joy in God’s presence where the whole creation is made new. We believe that when Jesus died on the cross he drew upon himself the sins of the whole world. He entered into death so profoundly that its power was broken and that anyone who believes and trusts in Jesus will also pass through death to eternal life.
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