Our Priorities

We believe that God has called us to both experience and pass on to others, the life we’ve experienced in Jesus. This is the mission of God and it involves praying and working towards the regeneration of all the parishes, chaplaincies, and agencies in our Diocese. God delights in renewing the church and the whole creation. Therefore, we must take responsibility for our part.

To achieve regeneration and revitalisation, we have settled on three priorities: making disciples of Jesus; supporting young people and their families; and strengthening communities. These priorities inform the way we are seeking to grow and develop our Diocese.

We want our Diocese to be like a native forest, where a variety of forms and models of mission and ministry can flourish. The life of Jesus will be expressed in a variety of ways – through traditional church services on Sunday but also in retreats, pilgrimages, small gatherings, social justice movements, and new, informal expressions of the Church.

We are all on a pilgrimage and have much to learn from one another. The parishes of our Diocese draw on the rich Anglican heritage of worship and spiritual formation. We would love for you to journey with us. Why not reach out – we have much to share.

Our Purpose

We serve the people in our region by working towards the five marks of mission:

  • To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom
  • To teach, baptise and nurture new believers
  • To respond to human need by loving service
  • To transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and pursue peace and reconciliation
  • To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the earth

Strategic Priorities

Within this mission, our Diocese has three strategic priorities that guide our work:

  • Young Leaders: Raise up; encourage; educate; appoint and enable young people as leaders in our Diocese.
  • Christ-Centred Mission: Christ is both our centre and the One we serve. We become Christ-like by furthering the Kingdom and further the Kingdom by becoming Christ-like.
  • Faithful Stewardship: Of the Christian faith; environment; Diocesan properties and finances; time; talent and our heritage. Stewardship of the Christian faith includes how we offer theological education.
Under 40's team members