The Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia
The Diocese of Christchurch is an episcopal unit in the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia.
The main website of our whole church is
The General Synod/Te Hinota Whanui adopted a revised constitution in 1992, which provides an opportunity for each of the three partners, tikanga (= way, style, or cultural model) Māori, tikanga Pakeha (European), and tikanga Pasefika, to express its mind as an equal partner in the decision-making process of the General Synod and to exercise mission and ministry to God’s people within the culture of each partner. (Source: Anglican Taonga)
Tikanga Pasefika
1. Diocese of Polynesia
Tikanga Māori
2. Te Pīhopatanga o Aotearoa
a. Te Pīhopatanga o Te Tai Tokerau
b. Te Pīhopatanga o Te Manawa o te Wheke
c. Te Pīhopatanga o Te Tairāwhiti
d. Te Pīhopatanga o Te Upoko o te Ika
e. Anglican Māori Diocese of Te Waipounamu |
Te Pīhopatanga o Te Waipounamu
Tikanga Pākehā
3. Diocese of Auckland
4. Diocese of Waikato & Taranaki
5. Diocese of Waiapu
6. Diocese of Wellington
7. Diocese of Nelson
8. Diocese of Christchurch
9. Diocese of Dunedin
Current Primates (Archbishops):
- The Most Rev’d Don Tamihere 2018
- The Most Rev’d Sione Ulu’ilkepa 2023
- The Most Rev’d Justin Duckworth 2024