Exploring Faith
Those wanting to explore Christianity may want to consider undertaking a course of study to find out more. Courses such as ‘The Alpha Course’, ‘Practicing the Way’ or the annually published ‘Lent Studies’ are available through your local church but the following institutions offer more in-depth courses on Christian beliefs and practice.
Theology House offers occasional courses and has a Library containing over 6,000 theological books covering Christian thought and history, systematic theology, Biblical studies, philosophy and world religions. Theology House is located at the Anglican Centre, 95 Tuam St, Christchurch 8011.
Laidlaw College has a local campus in Christchurch making face to face learning convenient and accessible. Studying theology at Laidlaw is based on a rigorous and systematic approach enabling learners to deepen and integrate their faith into every area of life.
You can also study theology at Otago University in Dunedin. Many people undertake theological study to enquire further into their own faith. They find that the study of Theology can enrich their understanding of Christianity and open new horizons, even as it follows ancient paths.