Diocesan Synod

The Synod is a representative body of the Diocese, convened under the leadership of the Bishop.

Operating within the framework of the General Synod Canons, the Church—centred in the Diocese with its Bishop—organises its own affairs and communicates both to its members and the wider world in which it serves.

The Anglican Diocese of Christchurch is composed of ministry units (such as parishes, the cathedral, and others). Each ministry unit nominates two Synod Representatives, while provisions for Diocesan and Parish Youth Representative, and may also exist.

Between Synod meetings, policy decisions and other Diocesan matters are managed by the Diocesan Standing Committee, which acts on behalf of the Synod. Members of this committee are elected annually by the Synod from among its members, effectively making the Standing Committee the “Synod out of session”.

The Standing Committee is responsible for the governance and efficient management of the Diocese.  It meets at least 11 months of the year to deliberate on policies and strategies that best advance the Mission of the Church.