Explore Ordination

Is God calling you to ordained ministry in the Anglican Diocese of Christchurch?

Every Christian is commissioned for ministry at their baptism, to serve Christ in the church and the world, using their gifts and talents in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Some Christians experience a call to be ordained as:

A priest. Priests are called to lead the worship of God’s people, and to lead the community of faith in ministry and service. They are called to disciple and enable others to grow in ministry. They are people others want to follow; they enjoy nurturing people and forming community. They seek to follow Christ through a life of prayer and service, and to enable others to grow on their Christian journey.

A deacon. A vocational deacon is called to represent the church to the community, and the community to the church. They focus and enable the ministry of Christians to witness to Christ’s love and serve the world we live in. They are comfortable on the margins and often act as go-betweens between people and the church. They also have some liturgical roles in church, serving, supporting and reminding all people they are called to go out in Christ’s name. [contact Archdeacon Nicky Lee for more information, 021 267 8795]

Some questions to ask if you wonder if you’re called to ordination:

  • Am I growing in Christian life and faith?
  • Do I have a Christian mentor or spiritual director who is discipling me and resourcing me for spiritual growth? (if not, we can help you find someone appropriate)
  • Am I already exercising leadership in my ministry unit? If not, can I ask to try out leading a ministry, a new small group or course, discipling someone?
  • Am I already resourcing myself through Bible and theological study, and working towards a qualification? If not, see our study resources.
  • Am I equipping myself for resilience in life and ministry, and learning about appropriate self-care, boundaries and safeguarding? Read more about our Professional Development.

Next steps:

  • Talk with your Vicar/Priest-in-Charge/Missioner Priest of your ministry unit and see what suggestions for personal spiritual growth, study, ministry experience they make.
  • Discuss with your Vicar/Priest-in-Charge/Missioner Priest whether they would be supportive of you taking the next step…
  • Contact the Diocesan Director of Ordination, Reverend Jenny Wilkens 021 025 18826 or jenny@stbarnabas.org.nz to talk further about ordained ministry, the diocesan discernment process towards ordained ministry and our educational and experience requirements for ordained ministry. Rev’d Jenny may suggest that you arrange a conversation with Bishop Peter Carrell, via his executive assistant, Veronica Cross. (Note: you should not contact Veronica Cross regarding such conversation prior to the conversation with Rev’d Jenny Wilkens.)
  • You may be invited to undertake further theological study, ministry experience in your or another ministry unit, personal equipping e.g. spiritual direction, counselling.
  • You may be asked to undertake a formal psychological assessment regarding your suitability for ordained ministry, resilience, and mental health.
  • You may be asked to join a small group of others in a process of discernment for future ministry.
  • You may be invited to come to a discernment weekend involving interviews with the Bishop’s Advisory Committee for Ordination, community life and personal reflection.
  • You may be invited to undertake theological study and ministry formation at St John’s College, Auckland.