Dear Friends,

At the end of this week a significant election takes place for the life of our whole church—the Synod of the Diocese of Polynesia meets in Suva to elect a new Bishop of Polynesia who will also be Archbishop and share in the primacy of our church with Archbishops Don Tamihere and Philip Richardson. Anglican Taonga has an article about the election and the candidates are announced within it.  It can be read here. Please pray for this synod: for the candidates being considered, for the members of the synod and for its presidents. May God’s will be done.

Tomorrow evening the Anglican Women’s Studies Centre at 7pm is presenting an online Virtual Theology session, “Lambeth From the Inside,” featuring Jacynthia Murphy, Teresa Kundycki-Carrell and Bishop Denise Ferguson.
The Zoom link is

At 3pm on Sunday afternoon 20 November, in St Stephen’s, Ashburton, Archdeacon Indrea Alexander will be inducted as Vicar of Ashburton and installed as Archdeacon for Mid Canterbury. All are welcome to this service. Clergy are invited to robe with red stoles.

Next Tuesday 22 November, at 7pm, the Reverend John Shoaf will be inducted as Vicar of Halswell-Prebbleton, in St Mary’s Church, Halswell. All are welcome to this service. Clergy are invited to robe with red stoles.

Last week, after participating in an extraordinary meeting of the Tikanga Pakeha Ministry Council in New Plymouth, I travelled to Auckland for a meeting of Te Kotahitanga which I have joined as a Tikanga Pakeha representative. This body has an advisory role in the distribution of St John’s College Trust Board funds for theological education and ministry training across our whole church. Then, on Friday night and Saturday I was able to meet with Matt and Zara Maslin (prior to their move to St John’s College next year) and with our St John’s College students: Robert Jamieson who will return with his family to Christchurch and will continue his studies here for 2023 and 2024; Edward and Ripeka Bijl; Cassie Lee; and Josh and Jo Taylor. Saturday afternoon, before returning home that evening, was my first opportunity to take part in Valedictory Day events at St John’s College. Please pray for the College—for our ordinands studying there, and here, and for the College governors, Te Kaunihera, as they seek a new Manukura (Principal) for the College from April 2023.

I am delighted to announce that Dr Andrew Butcher will join the staff of the Parish of Fendalton in the new year as Senior Associate Lay Minister. Please pray for Andrew and Yvette as they prepare to move from Tauranga to Christchurch in early 2023. The Reverend Jenny Wilkens will continue as Priest-in-Charge of Fendalton.

Two book launches of note are coming up, both in the Transitional Cathedral and both with further details on the sidebar of this e-Life. Tomorrow night at 5:30pm, John Bluck launches his latest book, ‘Becoming Pakeha’, and next Wednesday
23 November, at 5:30pm, Edmund Bohan launches his book ‘Heart of the City: The Story of Christchurch’s Controversial Cathedral’. All are welcome. I have read the second book and look forward to reading the first book!

This Sunday 20 November 2022, Ordinary 34/Christ the King/The Reign of Christ/Aotearoa Sunday/Care of All Creation/Stir Up Sunday/Sunday before Advent offers the gospel from Luke 23:33-43, “This is the King of the Jews.” Our king is the suffering servant for all humanity. The mocking claim of the Roman soldiers is partially true. 
